Recovery Coaches Alberta offer empathic support to people who need and want their services. With the coach's help, clients choose their pathway of recovery. The coach may provide information, help overcome barriers and connect clients with services and other resources in their community to strengthen their recovery journey.
Recovery coaches connect with potential clients anywhere they are needed. This includes emergency rooms, doctor's offices, schools and universities, police and corrections facilities, treatment programs, community outreach or at the workplace through unions and employee assistance programs.
If you would like help with a problem related to alcohol and substance use fill out the contact form below and a recovery coach will connect with you in a timely manner.
Recovery coaches can provide a supportive connection to anyone concerned about alcohol or other addictive substance use. Coaches help people evaluate their situation and to create visions, goals and pathways to
well-being, helping overcome barriers along the way.
Fill out the contact form below to speak more about services including costs, what a session looks and to ask other important questions you may have.
Recovery coaching is a service unlike treatment, counselling or 12-step sponsorship. Recovery coaches work with people at whatever point they find themselves, from active substance use, struggling to find the right treatment provider or, later, well into the journey of recovery.
The techniques used by recovery coaches are based on sound theoretical foundations and research evidence from other forms of coaching. In addition to traditional coaching skills, recovery coaches must know about addiction, treatment and recovery and how to work with diverse populations and people who follow a wide range of recovery pathways.
Recovery coaching does not replace treatment, counselling or the 12-Step sponsorship. Rather than counselling or treatment, recovery coaches focus on applying clients' strengths to choose their recovery solutions.
It is client-centered, although the coach may provide information on treatment and recovery options, it's up to the client to decide on their chosen recovery pathway.